I'll never say the word pancake the same.

Wow 11074448_10153137280984500_4021725972985382427_n

Today is a day that I will never forget. I had a such hard time falling asleep last night. I felt like a little kid the night before Christmas, because this is one of the very best gifts I could ever receive. A selfless gathering of some of my biggest supporters: those so close to my heart, those there in spirit, and those who barely know me rooting for me back home. There are no words for how amazing today was or how grateful I truly am. I am still getting over the fact that I couldn't be there to personally thank all of you, but I am so glad that I got to watch it unfold from afar through FaceTime and photos. Thank you to all who took the time out of their Saturday to make it to the benefit and to those who have been planning and working hard for weeks to make it all happen! You are truly wonderful, and you rock those bracelets well.

Please watch the video below as a display of my gratitude to you all!


10408028_10153123233469757_117284650266738371_n     11063811_10153137024974500_7676393935506012680_n 10923246_10153137259559500_7124736197005172015_n 10451649_10153137259609500_6066908202643052254_n         11072528_10153137262139500_8011292896342766802_n   11069486_10153137262404500_873175387216613944_n 11079665_10153137262624500_6125405392404309066_n 14013_10153137262559500_530517757772490201_n 10547480_10153137262699500_7518113365846814956_n  10547444_10153137262764500_6496076715287334338_n 10168068_10153137262984500_4257264954516806485_n 18803_10153137262854500_9097852218309287750_n  10410298_10153137324269500_1121268198834639786_n 10599669_10153137324364500_4031606956119889568_n 10450435_10153137324309500_8005189415707269407_n  11034920_10153137324449500_1503107653657142842_n 10418332_10153137324774500_2927685925337333056_n 10986712_10153137373654500_5583114561994113832_n


With so much love,

Jessica Lynn




Three Months.