It is not age, but experiences, that separate us.
Meet Pam: one of the most angelic people I have had the privilege of meeting.
My sister Lisa always shares this quote with me, "It is not age, but experiences, that seperate us." This quote holds true for my dear friend Pam and I.
I still remember the first time Pam entered my life in a big way.
I was in my apartment, eating lunch between classes. It was only a short time after one of my gynecology check-ups for my ovarian cysts, and I was feeling very distraught about possibly losing my fertility post-surgery. But a phone call from my sister Lisa changed my attitude around entirely.
I could barely understand what Lisa was saying through the tears. She was trying to say that Liz's mom, Pam, had unexpectedly found out she has ovarian cancer. (Liz is Lexi and Jude's nanny/babysitter/favorite-person-ever). It suddenly made my heart drop. I had never met Pam before, but I knew what a wonderful person Liz was and had heard such amazing things about her parents. I thought about if that were my mom, diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and how devastated I would be. Then I thought about the pitty party I was throwing myself that day for the possibility of not being able to have my own children (ironically having no idea that, I too, had ovarian cancer).
Pam automatically entered my daily prayers from that moment on. I asked about Pam occasionally and thought about Pam often, but I had not met her yet. I remember hearing about what a cheerful person she was. Lisa told me a story about how the kids made her bracelets and her whole world lit up with joy. She explained to me that no matter how crummy she felt, Pam always wanted the company of Lexi and Jude. Lisa told me that Pam had a way of making everyone in her life feel like they were a blessing to her. I remember thinking what a compliment that was and what a beautiful person she must be.
The last way I expected to meet Pam was in the circumstance that we had ovarian cancer in common. But, God does crazy things like that. He brings people together that have a difficulty in common to give them someone to lean on, someone to vent to, and someone to make them feel less alone through dark and scary moments.
It was just a couple days before Christmas. We were sitting in Lisa's living room and I was so terrified with my recent diagnosis that I didn't even know how to think straight. Pam and Liz came in the door, faces beaming with delightful smiles, carrying a presence of peace. Pam shared with me what my upcoming appointments might entail, showed me what my port would look like, and gave me plenty of tips to keep the sadness away. She instantly became someone close to my heart.
Although what brought us together wasn't something either of us wished for, it created a very special bond. She was every bit as wonderful as I imagined she would be.
Along my journey she has gifted me many things that hold so much meaning: a lovely teal prayer blanket, a journal, and my favorite daily devotions book, Jesus Calling. Pam remembered all of my initial appointments and would send me encouraging messages. The incredible thing about her taking the time to provide outpouring support, was that she was also fighting a battle of her own.
While we both chose completely different methods in healing, we supported each other 100%. We kept in touch while I was in Arizona and shared our favorite passages in Jesus Calling with each other. We would talk about how great God is and all of the good things that we have found in a cancer diagnosis.
Shortly after receiving the news that I was cancer free, Pam received the same AMAZING news as well!! We praised God and thanked Him endlessly.
Pam and I still keep in touch from time to time, updating each other on what life is like now, and all of the adjustments that we are making. We don't get together very often, but when we do it is such a blessing!!
Last Friday morning was a very special morning. Pam and I had a juicing date!
..along with two of our favorite side-kicks, Liz and my mom :)
We made a green juice recipe and also a hot pink juice recipe, to add some variety! The sweet greens juice recipe is from Kris Carr herself, author of Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor, and it is deeeeelicious. Both of us assumed from the get go that we would like the hot pink one better (because it's more fun.. and it isn't green haha) but we both ended up agreeing that the sweet greens was our favorite of the two.
We modified the recipes slightly, replacing the kale, romaine, and dandelion greens with an Organic Power Greens blend from Costco, already washed and mixed, which is much easier prep wise. (Oh, annnnnd we decided to scratch the ginger all together ;))
Liz, my mom, Pam and I sipped on juice and chatted about life. It was a beautiful morning and one that I will not forget. It's pretty amazing how God puts people like Pam in our lives. The people we don't even know we need, to remind us that amongst the darkness, there is still so much beauty in the world.
Thank you Pam for being an inspiration to me and having such a positive influence on my healing journey.
With Love,
Jessica Lynn