No Ordinary Love


Some people find their "in sickness and in health" at the altar, some find it later in life in a new partner, and some never truly do.  I use to think all of these difficulties with my health had robbed our relationship, which is inevitable in certain ways. Many insecurities manifest in me through all of it, but if this experience has given me anything it's a reminder of how lucky I am to have a real man of his word by my side to help me overcome both the emotional and physical battle. 

It has NOT been easy, for either of us. Menopause, surgery, infertility, cancer, etc.. But he never, ever complains, nor does he try to make any of these major decisions about him. 

He helps ease my pain in moments of hurt and talks me through moments of panic. 

His actions are a constant reminder that everything will be okay, and more importantly, that he is not going anywhere. 

Last night we had a "date night in" on the gyn-oncology floor (woohoo lights out at 9 on a Friday!) He laid in the hospital bed with me and even let me talk him into watching a "soft" movie (that's a rarity even though it may not sound like much.) ☺️

He has done things for me that I never dreamed my 24 year old boyfriend would have to help me do: feeding me sips of water, work on standing up without a walker, assisting me out of bed, making sure I'm safe going to the bathroom, charting my urine output, lifting me back in bed, walking down the hall next to me at turtle pace because I lose my breath with movement... you name it. 

He has seen my lowest of lows and rather than backing out, he steps up even more. 

He has had finals this week and has been up before the sun rises each day just to fit everything in, yet he chooses to sleep in my hospital room even though it means sleeping on a hard chair.  I thank God for giving me a man like Him to walk through this journey along side me. Reminding me of my strengths when I'm weak and holding my hand through the moments when I want to let go. 

While it's not something I ever would have wished for our relationship to endure in our "young love" years, it shows me what kind of partner I have for the long haul and what kind of love this really is. I know that no matter what curveballs life continues to throw, we will always have "us" and we will always find joy in the midst of pain. 

There are many uncertainties in this life, but I am certain of one thing: I will love you and laugh with you for the rest of my days Jeremy Jay. (Just no belly laughing til this incision heals)


Goodbye Ovaries